
Where To Learn Man Fist Set Taught In Villari Kempo

Potomac Kempo - Santillo Simpson Gibbs Jelsma - Fourth Degree Black Belt

Three Awarded Fourth Degree Black Belts at Potomac Kempo

Sometimes the best amidst the states are the humblest, which is certainly the case with these exemplary martial artists. For many people, the practice of martial arts is a strange—possibly intimidating—concept. People often wonder what happens in a 'dojo' with unfortunate misconceptions often perpetuated past movies and television. Simply the martial arts, and specifically the art of Kempo, which we choose to practice, is non foreign or mysterious. It is an ancient self-comeback practise with fitness training and self-defense fitted in to fill out the edges. In life, we frequently find that our greatest adversary is ourselves, as we all too ...

Potomac Kempo - Santillo - The Long Way to Belgium

The Long Way to Belgium

The Long Fashion to Belgium Our path to Belgium started a decade ago in Pennsylvania. Obviously. One of my students was headed to a martial arts seminar in Pennsylvania. I reached out to the host, and he graciously invited me to join the roster of instructors. Information technology was a humbling experience, and I say without reservation that I learned far more than than I taught and am still a student of the host, Sensei Jeff Driscoll, Kyoshi. While in Pennsylvania, I met another of Sensei Driscoll's students, Sensei Bart De Backer, Shihan. He, in turn, invited me to join with the ...

Potomac Kempo - Chris Santillo - Relax youre falling

Relax, you're falling.

What do y'all think almost every bit you autumn headfirst towards the basis? Or, more than to the betoken, what should y'all call back about? If the surface is pavement or gravel? Should you tense for impact? No, obviously, you should merely relax. In the instance of falling, every bit in so many instances, our instincts are flawed. If you are falling towards the Globe, you lot should not tense for bear on. Instead, relax and coil with it. Fall intentionally. In that location is no guarantee that you lot won't exist injured, but rolling with a fall will minimize its impact. And make no error, it is a ...

Singleness of Purpose - Overcoming Life's Obstacles Without Punching

Singleness of Purpose – Overcoming Life's Obstacles Without Punching

Some people describe a punch in terms of the structure of the body that supports and projects the arm and fist. Others harken to the term "throwing a punch" and explain that a punch is led by the hand and that the body needs merely to form behind it. Of course, they are both correct as far every bit each goes. Nonetheless, I like to accept a step further back, beyond the body and to the heed that initiates the idea of the dial in the beginning identify.  A punch begins with a idea. An intent and a target create motion ...

Potomac Kempo - Many Paths Up the Mountain

Many Paths Up the Mount

At that place are many paths up the mountain. That is what nosotros say when discussing other arts, all of the different ways people seek the benefits of Kempo preparation. All of these other arenas to which people go to challenge themselves to become healthier, happier, and better. Merely when continuing at 13,500 and staring at the miles forward and thousands of feet of peak left to go. Well, so there is only one path up the mount, the one under your feet. The one you accept been walking since y'all started in the pre-dawn. It'southward the merely path that will take ...

Potomac Kempo - Dojo Is Where Your Class Is

Dojo Is Where Your Class Is

I've opened a number of dojos over the years. Ane of the exciting things nearly opening a new martial arts studio is seeing the time when it is but a structure site and experiencing the magical moment when it becomes a dojo. Yesterday the painter was working in his coveralls and boots, taking his lunch break in the centre of the room. Today the carpeting is being installed past men who walk callously through the venerated keyhole doorway and don't know what a dojo is—or that they are helping to build information technology. Merely tomorrow—tomorrow we will call it a dojo ...

Potomac Kempo - The Instructor Connection and Your Personal Dojo

The Instructor Connection and Your Personal Dojo

I was a teenager when I started my Kempo grooming. I didn't own a auto; if I couldn't get a ride from a friend, I would jog to the studio. The dojo wasn't far abroad, simply it was straight uphill. On a clear day, rare back then, you could see Mount Baldy looming in the background just a dozen miles off. No matter how many times I ran that slope, it never seemed to get any flatter. Regardless, somewhen, I would round the corner and look towards the studio. A Shift Simply seeing a karate studio can create a shift ...

Potomac Kempo - Two-Thirds of a Block — The Complexities of Blocking Simplified

Two-Thirds of a Block — The Complexities of Blocking Simplified

At the run a risk of seeming to oversimplify a complicated outcome, allow me to state that a block consists of iii parts. The three parts are an inwards check, and outward clear, and movement. Now, before anyone takes exception to my broad generalization, permit me two caveats. The first is that there are myriad deportment 1 can have earlier, during, and after a block that could conceivably misfile the isolation of a cake. Secondly, and to my mind, most interestingly, a sufficiently skilful practitioner need only execute 2 of the three parts. To empathize the 3 parts and how they work ...

Potomac Kempo - Take a Breath and Keep Practicing

Take a Breath and Keep Practicing

At the Shaolin Temple, we had the privilege of training with a senior monk possessing the congenial, relaxed demeanor that so often accompanies mastery. Working in a back aisle behind the ancient curved rooftops, watched merely occasionally by resident (indifferent) cats and our taciturn teacher, we aimed to make our bodies mimic the skills being offered. My family visiting the Shaolin Temple in 2019 In such a setting, and after more twenty years of practicing martial arts, it might be tempting to be frustrated when left for twoscore-v minutes in the blistering Chinese dominicus to practice the same iii ...

Potomac Kempo - Our Mission

Our Mission

Our Mission is to positively affect the world by inspiring excellence in the men, women, and children nosotros serve — challenging them to go healthier, happier, and better through the practise of the Martial Arts.Potomac Kempo Mission Statement I believe immediate in the power of these words. A mission statement is an arrangement's effort to clear its purpose to the world and, though our mission statement serves that purpose, it began simply as a personal quest. Visiting the Shaolin Temple, Henan, China in 2001 The word, "healthier," hearkens back to my earliest days every bit a martial artist. Non long after ...

Potomac Kempo Baseball Bat Breaking Challenge Mentorship Growth

Challenge, Mentorship, and Growth

Information technology has been correctly said that existent growth occurs exterior of our condolement zone. We all have a squishy expanse that we savor — a soft sofa or a comfortable routine — that nosotros fall dorsum on when life presents usa with challenges. However, sofas and routines don't let us to abound and become more than we used to exist. Moreover, in the absenteeism of that growth life becomes dull, colorless, and we never live the potential that we possess. The question then is how best to leave our comfort zone. Sometimes we exercise this alone; nosotros get up in ...

Resilience Parenting Raising Resilient Children in an Era of Detachment and Dependence Connectedness Independence Learning Service Integrity

Book Release: Resilience Parenting

It is well understood that martial arts training helps to develop kids who are resilient — strong, adjustable, and able to recover. What is the secret? Our instructor training focuses on how to be the all-time possible teacher for every pupil and how to drive lessons through the three Pillars of Learning, Service, and Integrity.  Being the best possible instructor for every student is involved and challenging, only information technology is a learnable skill. It involves having the right mindset, taking advantage of all possible educational opportunities (both planned and unplanned), communicating effectively, and about a thousand other things. Learning, Service, ...

Potomac Kempo Tournament Victory Medals Winning Smiles

Competitions That Matter

Everyone knows when it is tournament time for our studios. The do rings are set in every studio, inviting everyone to exist brave enough to step in the band. Students beginning standing up in forepart of the class to demonstrate their skills while *gulp* everyone else is watching, waiting to applaud. A sense of team spirit surfaces as the demo team polishes its routine and each school rallies to be the one that brings abode the tournament cup. A lot of grooming goes into this competition that, frankly, doesn't thing. It seems odd that while discussing a tournament that ...

Potomac Kempo - Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

So the question is: "What should you do if someone punches you?" Almost reflexively many people volition reply, "Hit them back." It seems so reasonable and information technology certainly happens oftentimes plenty. But to really answer the question yous have to know what your goal is. "What are y'all trying to achieve?" In the context of civilian self defence I believe the reply is equally uncomplicated equally — or should exist as uncomplicated as — "get away safely."  In that context is "hitting them back" actually the best reply? Or at the very least should it be our commencement response? Please ...

Potomac Kempo - Three Truths

3 Truths

Hither are three uncomplicated ideas that, when taken together, can modify your life. They are so deceptively unproblematic that I nearly experience silly writing them down. But every day I come across people who aren't applying them to their lives — and well-nigh as frequently I realize that I seem to accept forgotten them myself. Truth 1 The most important affair is how we feel. Again, this is elementary stuff, merely it seems that as we go through our day we get distracted by complicated stuff and miss the unproblematic stuff. Recall virtually information technology like this. Many people want a nicer ...

My Extended Martial Arts Family

When you lot proceed a Journey you're only supposed to come dwelling one time, right? But what if home is in many places? You run into, a couple of years ago I was invited past this strange woman to learn another Martial Art — American Kenpo Karate. It is very similar to — just slightly unlike — from my native Shaolin Kempo. I'thousand e'er looking to acquire new things, so I agreed. Then, she suggested that nosotros should gear up together and then travel to San Diego and test for our Black Belts together.  I've been through enough Black Chugalug Tests — both as participant and ...

Apprehensive in the Philippines

Someone once told me that to become great nosotros must be "happy but not satisfied." Some people are very happy with their progress, so happy that they become satisfied with where they are. Which in a twisted way is good, because their satisfaction leads to stagnation -- and they never better again. Other people are unsatisfied with their level of progress --  they are still striving to reach some unattainable goal, but choosing to exist miserable that they aren't in that location still. This continual disappointment leads to frustration with their training and, eventually, to the end of achieving. Some are unhappy and ...

Potomac Kempo Chris Santillo Cuba 4

Kempo in Cuba

Finding a dojo in Cuba is harder than it probably should be. Google Maps coverage is weak and Yelp is nonexistent. Cellular internet does not exist in Cuba and you can't get internet to your home or hotel either (at least not legally). Want to surf the interwebs? Head to any public park with a prepaid carte. It'll toll you well-nigh a buck per 60 minutes. So as we explored this friendly and beautiful island, nosotros searched for a dojo the old fashioned style — by asking complete strangers. Not surprisingly, this didn't work very well. Many people knew of an acquaintance or distant ...

Potomac Kempo Sensei - Gary Covington

It's More than Punches and Kicks

It's More than Punches and Kicks, it's a Way of Life by Sensei Gary Covington Running a dojo or martial arts school is just fun! My students vary in age from 4 to 64 and I bask working with them all. While all of my students are hard working and defended to learning this fine art, the juniors seem to crave knowledge with reckless abandon. They learn the moves and never bore of review, they look forward to meeting new students and help them get acquainted, they are confident and when they make a mistake they don't get down they just ...

Potomac Kempo - Circle and Line

the Circle and the Line

It is often said — and sometimes even understood — that the Circle Beats the Line and the Line Beats the Circle but information technology claim discussion what this actually ways. Linear and Circular Movements If nosotros consider power we know that linear movements radiating from our middle are the most powerful category of movements. All the same, if our target is not on a line from our heart a linear movement will non exist able to reach it. Thus a circular movement volition exist the most powerful fashion of reaching information technology by default. Similarly, we know that a linear move will always ...

Potomac Kempo - This Kempo Life

This Kempo Life

The Pillars of Kempo explain how we got hither and - at the very least - try to explain where here is: Learning - We yearn to go more than nosotros are. Integrity - We prove ourselves worthy of it, either intrinsically or through ordeal. Service Nosotros pass it on, sharing with the adjacent generation so that they might have the benefit of our experiences. Isn't this how everything that is was developed? Why, then, is this interesting? The Pillars deed non merely as a filter but as a forge. The procedure of becoming a student of Shaolin Kempo is a self-selection process — a ...

Potomac Kempo - Pillars of Kempo - Service

The Pillars of Kempo – Service

As with the other Pillars, Service is built into Kempo both in its propagation equally well equally in its implementation. It is true that Shaolin Kempo would not exist today if it were non for the Service — in the form of teaching — of untold generations of instructors. But it is perhaps more interesting that Kempo would not be what it is without the active Service of its participants. As each student enters a Dojo for the first fourth dimension they enter into a reciprocal Service-based relationship, non only with the instructor but with every other member of the studio ...

Potomac Kempo - Integrity

The Pillars of Kempo – Integrity

In the distant past, paw-to-manus combat was the basis for armed forces power. Knowing a more constructive mode of blocking was alike to a state secret and was guarded just as tightly. In some settings only firsthand family unit members were taught the family martial art so every bit to forbid an outsider from learning defensive secrets. In other environments it was taught more broadly but never to ane who might exist expected to misuse the information or share information technology where information technology should non be shared. Information technology is from this origin that Integrity became rooted in Shaolin Kempo. Being a person of Integrity ...

Pillars of Kempo - Learning

The Pillars of Kempo – Learning

There is an old saying that, "When the pupil is ready, the master will appear." This phrase is not referring to a list of duties that, when completed, volition magically bring a primary into a student's life. On the contrary, the one thing a educatee needs to do in order to be ready is to decide to learn. That's information technology! The master is everywhere, politely inviting anyone and everyone to acquire and grow equally people. Today people could begin to learn some other linguistic communication that would engage their mind and hone their discipline, yet very few will practice then. Today they ...

Potomac Kempo - Pillars of Kempo

The Pillars of Kempo

The study of Shaolin Kempo Karate, as taught at Potomac Kempo, is an analogy for living. The methods for growing and excelling as a practitioner of Kempo are the aforementioned methods employed for living life well. The purpose of this chapter is to define the Pillars of Kempo℠ equally the means by which a student elevates the exercise of the martial arts from mere pugilism to the tillage a well-lived life. It is common for the martial arts to exist misunderstood but equally grooming in hand-to-hand combat — that is, of course, definitionally authentic. It is also true that some ...

Potomac Kempo - Horse Stance

What the Airlines Taught Us Well-nigh Life

Put your oxygen mask on start. Why practise they always say that? That'due south just light-headed. I'1000 a helpful person, I'm a loving parent. The final thing I'k going to practise is put MY needs before those of my child or friend. If those oxygen masks drop in front of me — and I'm pretty sure they will on this flight — I'm going to help anybody in my row to go their masks on. And then, AND Only THEN, will I be so selfish as to put my mask on . . . . unless I laissez passer out first. Why do ...

Potomac Kempo

Power, Range, and Speed

Kempo training is a cooperative enterprise. Nosotros help our partners get better, only as they help us get better. In particular, by modulating our power, range, and speed we can create the optimal environment for us both to do good from each drill. In social club to always go skillful enough at a technique to do it rapidly, we must first succeed at doing it slowly ...

Potomac Kempo - Are You Successful

Are Yous Successful?

Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.  ~Bruce Lee I'm not the first person to muse over the nature of success and I certainly won't be the last. Virtually people find a feeling of success elusive at best. Simply it isn't White Belts who don't feel successful, more ofttimes it's Black Belts. If, after years and years of written report, a student still doesn't feel successful how will they ever feel successful? The reply, of course, is that they won't. When a Black Belt doesn't feel successful information technology is because they are operating inside the wrong framework: They expect a ...

A Black Chugalug Test Everyday

When the lord's day rose this morning I was in my lawn practicing with a sword — my neighbors must call up I'chiliad nuts. Practicing with a sword? People think I'g training for a fight that happened on the other side of the planet a thousand years ago. Simply my fight wasn't a m years ago, it'southward at present. And it isn't on the other side of the planet, it's here, inside of me. I tested for my Blackness Belt a long time agone — and every twenty-four hours since. That's what many people don't understand about a Black Belt, you lot accept to be ...

Potomac Kempo - Horse Stance

The Perfect Equus caballus Stance

A horse stance should be painful. Let me say that again, a horse stance should exist painful. I observe that one time we come to grips with this, the particulars become easier to accept. Your anxiety should exist one-and-a-one-half shoulder widths apart. The heels of your feet should be pushing outward, causing the blades of your anxiety to be parallel. This position should cause a stretch in the outside of your ankle. Your knees should be bending and pushing out over your feet; the goal is having them over your big toe. This accent should open your hips and fatigue your ...

Potomac Kempo Black Belt

A alphabetic character to my Black Belts

Congratulations on becoming a Blackness Belt — whether information technology was a calendar month ago or a decade ago it is an achievement to exist proud of. Please notice that I used the term condign a Black Chugalug. Some people mistakenly use the term getting, which misses the signal. With deference, some people apply the term earning. This is amend. Only withal strikes broad of the marking. Through arduous study and training you lot became a Black Belt. The piece of material around your waist is simply a token to remind you of what yous have become — but information technology was never the ...

Potomac Kempo - Price of Excellence

The Price of Excellence

Everybody wants to go to sky only nobody wants to die.  — Unknown We pursue excellence in a thou different means, but for simplicity allow'south just consider a person who wants be able to exercise more push ups -- a noble goal to be sure. Let's telephone call him Jim and assume he tin do ten push ups simply he wants to be able to do xx. The pursuit of excellence is a long and backbreaking procedure. It can as well be fun and enjoyable -- simply don't forget that it is long and arduous. The get-go step in attaining excellence is ...

Potomac Kempo - Humility and Pride

Kempo is about Humility and Pride

Humility comes from agreement our potential and seeing how much more we tin accomplish. It is not driven by the insignificance of what we have achieved only by the vastness of what we have yet to accomplish. This is sound philosophy only it doesn't explain how we should act. I propose, in simplest terms, that existence apprehensive means "not bragging." While not elegant, this definition is actionable and instructive. The subject field of humility is inextricably linked to the question of pride. I ask: "Who is information technology nearly important source of pride?" Yourself. Unfortunately, information technology tin exist a dandy challenge to exist proud of ...

Potomac Kempo - Dragon Character

Most Kempo: Shaolin Dragon

The Dragon of the East In the West, Dragons have long been depicted equally evil creatures that raid villages, hoard treasure and commonly end up existence killed by valorous knights. Despite the employ of the same name, Chinese Dragons could non be more contrastive. They differ essentially in appearance but more to the point they are most universally benevolent. Dragons were start depicted in statues and carved into jade more than six thousand years ago. Since that time they accept come up to play an of import role in Chinese culture and — to our indicate — the martial arts. This poesy ...

Potomac Kempo

You can't always get what you want

Y'all can't always get what you lot want. Merely if you attempt sometimes, well you lot only might discover, You become what you need. — Rolling Stones Devin studied Kempo many years ago. I knew his Sensei and enjoyed reports from both of them almost how well Devin's training was going — until it wasn't. Devin was an early on bird and ever got to work crazy early in the morning. He would then schedule Kempo lessons in the early afternoon to make sure that he didn't get pulled in to whatsoever meetings. With dandy joy he would say "Distressing, Joe, I can't today ...

Potomac Kempo - Dojo

Your Dojo

Dojos exist for a lot of people and for a lot of reasons. 'Dojo' literally means 'Preparation Hall,' it is a identify where you learn martial arts. Nothing could exist more mundane. Simply somehow — and I don't claim to fully empathise it — a dojo is something more than, information technology is part of people'due south lives. A dojo exists considering of, and for, the students. A sensei is merely a facilitator, the one who knows how to punch and kick. It is the students that create the essence of a dojo. A sensei with no students is non a sensei at ...

Potomac Kempo - Leopard Character

About Kempo: Shaolin Leopard

The Shaolin Leopard Of the 5 Shaolin Animals, the Leopard is the only one crafted solely for martial purposes. That is to say, the other four Shaolin Animals had pregnant places in Chinese culture and mythology long before they were called on to exist 'martial' animals. The Leopard, past contrast, has no cultural or mythological significance ...

Potomac Kempo - Story

A Kempo Story

Let me tell y'all a story about a 9-year-old girl. Yesterday morning time, her alert went off. She got out of bed and went to schoolhouse. She got in that location on time because she has learned to be disciplined. While in grade other kids were talking and passing notes but she remained focused on her lessons because she has learned how to focus. When information technology was her plough to nowadays to the class she stood up calmly and spoke effectively because she has learned to be confident. After school other kids invited her to hang out and lookout man Tv set; instead she did her homework and ...

Potomac Kempo is for Real People

Kempo is for Real People

I was extremely fortunate, oh those many years ago, when I wandered into a Kempo studio for the offset time. Fortunate that I institute Kempo only more than so because I institute Sensei Alen — now Chief Babayan. Sensei Alen ran an astonishing dojo total of interesting people who were inspired and inspiring. What struck me most virtually the people in Sensei Alen's dojo is that they were real people. They weren't tough guys or meat heads, no ane was grooming for a total contact fight in Thailand and no ane had tattooed 'Kempo' on his head. They were simply normal ...

Potomac Kempo - Tiger Character

About Kempo: Shaolin Tiger

The Tiger in Chinese Culture For millennia the Tiger has been a powerful symbol in China, Buddhism, and in Shaolin specifically. Tiger statues have been unearthed that date to more than than 7000 years ago, showing just how long the Tiger has been of interest. Then ingrained is the Tiger in Chinese civilisation that the grapheme for 'king' matches the markings on the forehead of a Tiger — a vertical line crossed with three horizontal lines. Information technology is perhaps unknowable at this point if the symbol ways 'king' because of the markings, or if the Tiger is so well regarded because ...

Kempo is similar Fishing?

Trace Adkins has a song with the line "And she thinks we're simply fishin'" which obviously made me recall of Kempo. . . I remember sometimes people misunderstand the goal of Kempo grooming. They oft think the goal is to perfect a technique or a form. They strive for the perfect kicking or the perfect punch. These are all noble goals and working towards them is what hones what nosotros are really working on -- ourselves. Nosotros are the goal of our Kempo training. We are trying to make ourselves perfect. Not just our ability to deliver a kick but ...

Potomac Kempo - Crane Character

About Kempo: Shaolin Crane

Origin The exact origins of the Crane as an animal of involvement are lost in legend simply most legends concur that information technology all started in Tibet. Thousands of years agone Taoism traveled to Cathay through the Kunlun Mountains of Northern Tibet. With it came a reverence for the Crane as a symbol of Longevity, Centeredness, and Resolve. Through the years Taoism and Buddhism influenced each other. Today, Chan Buddhism, the school of Buddhism adult at the Shaolin Temple, shares many similarities to Taoism. The Shaolin emphasis on total absorption in the practise of a highly cultivated skill — kung fu ...

Potomac Kempo

The Makings of Potomac Kempo

It goes dorsum to some coffee shops and cheap burger joints in Los Angeles. I used to sit down around and conversation with other young instructors. We were all pretty new to education and excited virtually how much people seem to benefit from Kempo. Most students simply know their own success stories merely instructors get the privilege of hearing countless examples of how Kempo helps people. I heard from a pupil who had become and so much healthier he no longer needed to take medications for his claret pressure, hypertension or cholesterol. I met a adult female who most glowed equally she spoke of ...

Potomac Kempo - Snake Character

About Kempo: Shaolin Snake

The Chinese Snake Throughout Chinese history nosotros see stories of the Snake. If we look, we observe the Ophidian revered from many quarters. Sun Tzu, in his piece of work Art of State of war, used a Snake that could attack with both caput and tail as a simile for a skilled general who could practise the same. Fifty-fifty before Buddha lived, Snakes were the subject of stories and fascination. In the Chinese Zodiac, started more than 5000 years ago, the Snake has a prominent role. Entwined through all of this is the Serpent'southward use equally an icon for Qi development — a symbol ...

Potomac Kempo

Our Mission. . .

The Potomac Kempo mission argument, for those who don't know, is this: "We ameliorate lives by challenging men, women, and children to get healthier, happier, and better. We exercise this through personalized instruction in the versatile martial art of Shaolin Kempo." To some of united states of america, this argument is a personal cause, something that occupies our thoughts every day. This mission stems from our ain experiences — our own journey of becoming healthier, happier and better. Anyone who has studied the martial arts has experienced this, and anyone who continues to report continues to experience it. Information technology is different for everyone; to ...

Where To Learn Man Fist Set Taught In Villari Kempo,


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